Audio Sermons

Here are a selection of Sermons given at Sabbath services (and special services) in Ottawa.  These are stored here in MP3 format so you can listen to them via your web browser, or save them to install on your iPod.














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Pentecost Services May 19, 2013 


Bill Watson 2012 Campaign In Ottawa

Pentecost Services May 27, 2012 – Joint Services with UCG & CGI



2 thoughts on “Audio Sermons

  1. I have just listened to a small portion of each of the sermons now on line and I’m delighted with both the content and the sound quality. It sounds like we’re right in the same room as the speaker. In the parts I listened to, I did not hear any background noise so the mic must be well focused. This is really a good tool. I’ll be back to this site for sure.

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